Nowadays,Traffic jam is a major problem for big cities which are faced day after day. There are many causes of traffic in jakarta such as increasing the private vehicle like car, motorcycle, Increasing the population in Jakarta is arround eight million people in 2008, and also probably Not having alternative vehicle to daily activity. Many ways have been done to reduce traffic jam in Jakarta by Jakarta governor, Sutiyoso and Fauzi Bowo Like Bus way, water way and changing school hour, but those ways still could not to reduce traffic in Jakarta. It is So complicated Problem and also big home work to Central Government, Local Goverment and The residence of Jakarta. There are several negative effects of traffic such as wasting time of motorists and passengers, in late arrival for employment, meeting, educatiom resulting in business losses and other personal losses, Inability to predict travel time accurately, wasted fuel increases and contribution to Global Warming, stressed and frustrated motorist and passengers in the road. We have to solve this prob lem quickly. Comfortable Jakarta is a dream for everyone who has stayed in Jakarta for a long time.Reducing Population In Jakarta, Decreasing the growing number of Vehicle and campaigning bike to work movement successfully are the ways to reduce traffic In Big Cities like Jakarta.
Reducing population in Jakarta is the first step to reduce traffic jam in Jakarta. Reducing population could be done in many ways, They are the family planning program, promoting transmigration immediately and Moving the central of industry in Jakarta to other cities. Family planning program is sometimes used as a synonm in the use of birth control, it is the must usually applied to female-male couple who wish to limit the number of children and to control the limiting of preganancy. And then the other way to reduce traffic jam in Jakarta is promoting transmigration. Transmigration is not a new policy. The Transmigration program is an initiative from indonesian goverment to move people from highly populated area to less populated area. The Purpose of this program is to reduce poverty and overpopulation in Jakarta and then give opportunities for unlucky people who wish to get a job in Jakarta. And the last, to reduce traffic jam in jakarta is Moving the central of industry in Jakarta to other cities as Batam, Surabaya, Semarang, Balikpapan, and any other. The first reason that lead Jakarta to become a highly populated area is Many people go to Jakarta to have better future because Jakarta as the central of Industry and then the central of trade in Indonesia. Therefore Jakarta placement as the central of industry and the central of Trade should change in our view, that every body did not go to jakarta to have better future but they could go to other cities that have the equal opportunities to reach better future.
Decreasing the growing number of vehicle is the second way to reduce traffic jam in Jakarta. In big city goverment like Jakarta should announce the banning for purchasing illegal vehicles. Government should increase the tax of vehicle. Trafic jam is related to increase the number of vehicle in Jakarta city. Therefore the government should increase the tax of vehicle to reduce the growing number of vehicle In the Jakarta road. Increasing the rate of the tax of fuel is a new policy that is declared by the Jakarta goverment recently, increasing the rate of the tax of vehicle is 5-10 percent on the private vehicle and then the rate of the tax of fuel on The public transportation is half of the rate on the private vehicle. Today, the rate of the tax of fuel is 5 percent and equal occur between the private vehicle and the public transportation. the other way to reduce the raffic jam, the goverment should encourage people to use public transportation. For example, in singapore people use public transportation . by Using of pubic tansportation, singapore has no traffic problem.In indonesia, the public transportation is inadequately available and its quality is very bad, especially in the developing countries. The government should make an investment in the traffic facilities to improve public transportation to become more modern and convenient.
Campaigning Bike to Work movement successfully is The Last way to Reduce the traffic jam in Jakarta. Bike to work movement is the program that riding their bike to work instead. This Program has many benefit to our life. They are getting healthy exercise everyday or practice of healthy life, improving our spirit, and Reducing Global Warming effects. This program has been Started in many countries like United State, Mexico, Singapore and anyothers. And Now, this program has been in Indonesia. Many Indonesian people have appreciated Bike to work movement, and they hope that Bike to work movement is the new solution to resolve the traffic jam in Jakarta. However, Bicyle line in Jakarta is not available, then many of them is difficultly applying this program in Indonesia. Besides the bicyle line problem, bicyle rider do not have insurance when they are something happen on the road as accident and lost. there are any problems that is faced by bike to work program in Indonesia. Therefore we must resolve this problem. The central government should make a policy to create bike to work movement successfullly.
In conclusion, There are Many ways to reduce traffic jam. They are reducing of population, Decreasing the growing number of vehicle, and Campaigning Bike to Work movement successfully. I believe that if the central government is seriously doing those action,It will be reducing traffic jam in Indonesia especially in Jakarta City. An the result, Jakarta city will become the modern city without traffic jam, pollution, and anything bad. It is the first step to make jakarta to be a better city and and a convenient city.
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